Legacy Projects

Since our formation in 2021, we’ve always had a passion for impact beyond just the football sessions. Our legacy project methodology and approach is how we are giving back to communities, and enriching lives way beyond when the initial project funding runs out.
The project has given me something to focus on and look forward to each week. Knowing I’m not alone in how I feel has been a big help.
Thanet Participant
HITG Legacy projects that continue to support local communities

Our project began in the little village town of Minster, in Thanet and grew into the county town of Kent, Maidstone.
Knowing that our very first funding stream was coming to an end was a particularly emotional time for us.
We were so happy to see four people from our first ever session, all the way back in April 2021 still coming to the sessions – we knew we had to find a way of ensuring they still had some way of continuing each week.
We were delighted to be able to hand over the project to the trusted hands of Project Talking Football, an initiative holding the values and focus of HITG birthed from one of our own participants, who has partnered with local football club, Minster FC to continue to run the sessions and become our first HITG legacy project.
As a result, through Project Talking Football and Minster FC, we will be supporting the continuation of football themed mental health support in Minster, Thanet. We’re thankful that the lads can carry on, creating a safe environment for men to talk, and to play the beautiful game!
In Maidstone, we are delighted to pass on the continuation of our work to the trusted hands of The Stones Community Trust and in Sittingbourne, a group of ex HITG participants have continued our work through Talking Goals.
Our partners at Brentford FC Community Sports Trust continue our excellent work in West London, through weekly drop in sessions via our ‘Football For Thought’ initiative.
After working with Sevenoaks Council, Monday Night Football was created, to continue to serve the mental health of men in the town.
Sheffield is proud to deliver Men’s Safe Play Football Sessions which is a continuation of our work in South Yorkshire, while Medway United lead on our legacy work in Chatham, Gillingham, Rochester and Strood.

Medway United MH Network Legacy
Sessions at Medway United just like at HITG require registration, so please fill out the following form and a member of the team one of the team will be in touch.

MindStones In The Community
MindStones (HITG Legacy) continues to ensure that mental health related football support continues in the town of Maidstone, delivered by ex-participants of our programme supported by Maidstone United’s community arm; The Stones Community Trust

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust
‘Football For Thought’ sessions that are facilitated by the team at BFCCST. These weekly HITG legacy drop in sessions are for men in and around Hounslow, West London.

Talking Goals Sittingbourne
Talking Goals aims to ensure that mental health related football support continues in Sittingbourne, delivered by a group of ex HITG participants who deliver our legacy message through weekly football sessions.

Sheffield Men’s Safe Play Football Sessions
Sheffield Men’s Safe Play Football Sessions is the legacy project of our work in Sheffield following on from funding from the SYCF. The sessions are delivered by a group of ex HITG participants who continue to support each others mental fitness through weekly sessions.

Monday Night Footy Sevenoaks
These sessions are delivered by a group of ex HITG participants who continue to support each others mental health and wellbeing through weekly sessions, after a successful 12 week project, that was funded by Sevenoaks Council and delivered by HITG.